There was, indeed, a closing agreement with 15 articles, but differences remained on the decisive issue of the Eucharist. "He refused to give an inch," Becker says. The leading Protestant reformers of the time attended at the behest of Philip I of. It took place between 1 October and 4 October 1529. Philip forced the reformers to agree on as many points as possible, but Luther's ego prevented a complete consensus from being reached. The Marburg Colloquy was a meeting at Marburg Castle, Marburg, Hesse, Germany, which attempted to solve a disputation between Martin Luther and Ulrich Zwingli over the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. The discussions in the princely residence were held in German and Latin, with an order in which speakers were given the floor, one-on-one meetings and a closing discussion. Proceedings at the palace were a very loud affair. "He was the second local ruler to introduce the Reformation in his realm." And, in 1527, he had founded the world's first Protestant university. "Philip was a thoroughgoing power seeker," says Becker.

"He feared he might lose." But Landgrave Philip, a political force behind the Reformation, insisted on the meeting. "Luther didn't even want to come to Marburg," says the historian Becker. August Noack (Bessungen 1822 - Darmstadt 1905), einer der bekanntesten. Luther and Zwingli differed in a fierce dispute over the interpretation of the Eucharist: for Luther, Christ was actually present in the consecrated bread and wine for Zwingli, bread and wine merely symbolized the body and blood of Christ. August Noack, Das Religionsgesprch in Marburg 1529 (The Marburg Colloquy 1529). "You could add the words 'for four hours' below that." The reformer merely changed his clothes at the inn and hurried onwards, up to the palace, where the Landgrave awaited him - as did his rival Zwingli. On that September day in 1529, Luther took the steep path up to the town, over the marketplace, to a corner house on which a sign now hangs with the inscription, "Martin Luther stayed here in 1529." Becker laughs. Media in category 'Marburg Colloquy' The following 9 files are in this category, out of 9 total. "We know that Luther stepped out of his coach, " the historian says, "and local people's eyes popped out of their heads, because Luther was the most famous man in Europe." He has been covering the anniversary of the Reformation in 2017 on behalf of the town. Historian and writer Christoph Becker has written a book about the town and the Protestant Reformation, including everyday anecdotes. At the urgent request of Philip, Landgrave of Hesse, the reformer was to meet his rival Ulrich Zwingli. Weidenhaus Bridge and the old Philipps University of Marburg on the Lahn