If you'd like to discuss some of those plans - please contact me through the "Contact Us" form (now that it's working) or our forums. There are only a few small features I'd like to implement before releasing it for testing - I'm hoping for this year's release too. There were no complaints so it's quite possible it was not being used at all. It was not maintained for years due to always not having time to do that. One of the user-facing changes that were also committed is removal of html help system. There are already several changes committed - mostly related to upgrading development tools and removing WinXP-related bits and pieces.
The next version planned is 1.50 - it will support Windows 7 and later. Supporting those systems in 2020 involves a lot of extra time better spend somewhere else. In the future they will only receive bugfixes that are either critical or does not require rewriting large amount of code. This release (and eventually bugfix releases from the 1.4x series of releases) will be the last ones to support Windows XP and Windows Vista.

I want to release final version of 1.45 this year - hopefully after hearing your feedback. Pour cette raison, les deux logiciels disposent pratiquement des mêmes avantages : ils sont multiplate-forme, ils ont été développés en C++, leurs transferts sont sûrs et ils sont open-source. You can also limit the transfer speed of. Supercopier vs Ultracopier Le logiciel Supercopier utilise le même moteur que Ultracopier, quelque chose qui ne devrait pas surprendre car le développeur reste le même. Ultracopier gives you the option to pause and resume copying later and will notify you when the transfer task is complete.

This software is ideal for managing the transfer of very large files. Last week I've released first release candidate of CH 1.45 that contained mostly fixes that accumulated over last few years. Ultracopier is a free, open source software that allows you to optimise transfers when copying and moving files. Just last week I have managed to find some time to spend on this project, but it's hard to say how long it will last - probably no longer than Q2 2021 when my family is expected to grow again.

As all of you have noticed, Copy Handler was completely inactive for the last few years due to me being occupied with family matters and some other projects.